Monday, April 1, 2013

Grandma & Grandpa & Uncle Michael...oh my!

When Grandma Donna & Grandpa Carl visit Jacob I always look forward to Carol's pending blog post (although you are getting behind, Carol.  November 22?  Time for an update).  And now I can do the same thing!
Checking out the butterflies
Late Thursday night Grandma Donna, Grandpa Carl, and Uncle Michael come for a visit.  Their timing was so helpful because this was my first week working night shift (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights) and I wasn't sure how I would adjust or when I would sleep during the day.  I was so excited towards the end of my shift Thursday night (or Friday morning), knowing that I would come home to see everyone, plus it was my 31st birthday!  I came home, slept for a solid 5 hours, then we all went to the Frederik Meijer Gardens to visit the butterflies.

Grandpa Carl showing Lucas the bear sculpture outside at the Gardens
So sweet! 
We celebrated my birthday Saturday night by going to Brick Road Pizza, then put Lucas to bed and watched a James Bond movie, Casino Royale.  Sunday morning we went to church then had an amazing Easter brunch at Trillium Haven Restaurant before they went back home.

In Lucas news - he made big intellectual gains during their visiting!  In the past few days he started clapping and playing patty cake, he covers his own face with a blanket for peek-a-boo, he makes kissing lip smacks (Uncle Michael taught him this), and, most exciting of all, he signed "more" while we were eating!  His first sign!  I have read about this mega-surges in development and now I have seen one.

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, He's getting so big! I can't believe it - I miss him! Way to go, Lucas on your first sign! I'm glad to see you had fun with Grandma & Grandpa.

    (And yes...we're very behind in our blogging - Jacob reminds me of that often. But, Jacob's in the middle of producing his first music video - so watch for that soon)
